Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Let's paint air with light

As it was scheduled, we practiced doing light painting. But, prior to that we tackled a little more about aperture, the shutter speed that also helps you control the ambient light, and discussed the ropes on the usage of ISO (International Standards Organization) which again pertains to the sensitivity of the camera to light. So, the first activity we have on our meeting recently was to take pictures with different ISO settings.

We have encountered the usual problem in the same hour of the day: too sunny; too bright; the weather’s too hot, so again we had made a lot of exhibition first before we can spot a good subject on the right position. And you might tell me that I am obsessed with the koi pond since the picture I have had checked was featuring the mini falls again. But of course, it was of a different angle and settings. The shutter speed was good because the ambient light was controlled and focused on the main subject. But, if not with the age of the camera I used it would not be grainy when zoomed in.

Now for the light painting, our instructor had told initially the technical arrangements we have to know to be able to do a light painting. You have to set the ISO to the lowest which is 100. In our activity I have set the shutter speed at 6” (seconds) and the aperture at (f) 22. Please check my trial shots, the first two light paintings you'll see. A little epic… for these I can let you judge.

Then, luckily yesterday my classmates were attempting to take pictures to post on each of their own blogs. I simply joined them since that was actually what I was waiting to happen.

We were able to do extra work early because most of us were already done meeting for a group project on our subject that time. With so many of us with not much of an idea what to paint, we took turns in doing the task at hand. When it’s finally my turn I was experiencing a little panic because I realized that my idea would not work. So I passed the flash light to a classmate and took another turn later. There was a little situation because there are still others who are meeting. We could not turn all the lights off therefore the depth of field was a bit bright.

You are all free to admire the light don't let your eyes wander anywhere else. Remember just focus on the light!

Mass Comm Lab at the Pacencia Hidalgo Laurel Building, Ground Floor
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Laguna

Heart made of light. Copyright. MarCaDi

Credits to JB's camera :)

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